With an ever-increasing need for determining the accurate cost particulars of a product to arrive at the correct profitability, meeting the compliance requirements prescribed under the Companies Act has become equally important. , with a dedicated and qualified team to handle the Cost Audit and related Compliances, we offer our professional assistance with regard to the following.
- Cost Audit to ascertain the accuracy of the cost accounting records to ensure that the same are in conformity with Cost Accounting Principles, plans, procedures and objective
- Maintenance of Cost Records in terms of Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014;
- Internal Audit, Operational Audit and Management Audit as per the specific needs of the management;
- Cost Study and Analysis in order to determine the specific elements of cost associated with a brand, product, pack, customer, channel or region and analyzing the same to arrive at the desired results;
- Stock valuation as per the prescribed methods and regulations under the CAS-4;
- Transfer pricing CAS-4 Certificate for captive consumption;
- XBRL filing of Cost Audit Report;
- Determining the costing of product, channel or brand to meet the specific management decision making requirement of the Company;
- Budgeting and MIS;
- Management Consultancy Services